
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, are back for season two, blending the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into Chapters 16-20 of A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers.
Haley and Ris begin their chat with a pre-workout from M Street in Sherman Oaks. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 16-20. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers discuss the importance of positive support and having it within our fitness journey and every day life. They also dive into the different types of support available: instrumental, emotional, informational, and social and how balance in each area is key! Then they wrap it all up with their Thorn and their Rose from this week's reading!
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Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
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Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, are back for season two, blending the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into Chapters 11-15 of A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers.
*TW: Eating Disorders are mentioned in this episode
Haley and Ris begin their chat with their pre-workout brew of a different variety. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 11-15. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers discuss their personal experience with food and fitness, the struggles they've had and their journey to find that healthy balance. They also discuss how they work with clients who are dealing with similar struggles. Then they wrap it all up with their Thorn and their Rose from this week's reading!
Follow along:
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Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Share this podcast with all your fantasy and fitness loving friends!

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, are back for season two, blending the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into Chapters 6-10 of A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers.
*TW: Serious Mental Health topics as well as eating disorders are mentioned in this week's episode.
Haley and Ris begin their chat with a pre-workout from Black Elephant in Burbank. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 6-10. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers discuss their personal mental health struggles and the ways in which fitness has helped them throughout. They also talk about the different ways they use their experiences with their clients so that they too can apply it in their health and wellness journeys. Then they wrap it all up with their Thorn and their Rose from this week's reading!
Follow along:
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Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Share this podcast with all your fantasy and fitness loving friends!

Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
The two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, are back for season two, blending the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction, diving into Chapters 1-5 of A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers!
Haley and Ris begin their chat with a pre-workout from Moby's Coffee & Tea in North Hollywood. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 1-5. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers discuss the idea of "following blindly" when it comes to fitness with both their clients and themselves. The two talk about the fitness world in the age of social media and how to best navigate the information that is provided as well as what you should look for in a trainer and never being afraid to ask questions and stay open to being curious!
Follow along:
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Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Share this podcast with all your fantasy and fitness loving friends!

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, blend the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into a fun Bonus Episode Recap of A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Mass.
Haley and Ris begin their ACOTAR recap with their pre workout from Coffee Fix in Studio City. Then they dive into some of their favorite moments during their re-read of the first book of the series, noting what changed from the first time they read the book to now. They also discuss their extreme excitement for the next book they're diving into (A Court of Mist and Fury) and the characters that we are soon introduced to. To wrap things up, the two chat the fan theories they have heard and what their thoughts are on them!
Heard a fan theory you love? We'd love to hear it! Email us: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Don't forget to follow along:
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Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
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Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, blend the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into Chapters 41-46 of A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers.
*TW: Eating Disorders are mentioned in this week's episode.
Haley and Ris begin their chat with a pre-workout from Porto's Bakery and Cafe in Burbank. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 41-46, the end of this amazing book. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers discuss how they deal with and overcome the “failures” they've endured or when the goals they have set have different outcomes than they envisioned. They discuss their own personal journeys of trying and trying again and how they have readjusted their mindset to keep pursuing their goals! Then they wrap it all up with their Thorn and their Rose from this week's reading!
Thank you so much for following along as we wrap up our first Season of Brews, Books, and Barbells with A Court of Thorns and Roses! We can't wait to see you for Season 2 where we dive right into the second book of the series, A Court of Mist and Fury!
Follow along:
Watch on YouTube
Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Share this podcast with all your fantasy and fitness loving friends!

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, blend the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into Chapters 36-40 of A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers.
*TW: Eating Disorders are mentioned in this week's episode.
Haley and Ris begin their chat with a pre-workout from The Palm in Burbank. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 36-40. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers discuss how they've learned to adapt to circumstances in their training especially when it comes to their personal experiences on their way to achieving their fitness goals! Then they wrap it all up with their Thorn and their Rose from this week's reading!
Follow along:
Watch on YouTube
Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Share this podcast with all your fantasy and fitness loving friends!

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, blend the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into Chapters 31-35 of A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers.
*TW: Eating Disorders are mentioned in this week's episode.
Haley and Ris begin their chat with a pre-workout from The Commissary in Burbank. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 31-35. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers dive into Part 2 of the discussion about the sacrifices they have made in their fitness journey. This time, they give some ways they have personally reframed the word "sacrifice" and the positive benefits they have found from them! Then they wrap it all up with their Thorn and their Rose from this week's reading!
Follow along:
Watch on YouTube
Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Share this podcast with all your fantasy and fitness loving friends!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, blend the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into Chapters 26-30 of A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers.
*TW: Eating Disorders are mentioned in this week's episode.
Haley and Ris begin their chat with a pre-workout from The Ugly Mug in Burbank. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 26-30. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers discuss some of the sacrifices they have made in their fitness journey. They give some insight into what their personal sacrifices were along with some of the sacrifices that they help their clients with as well. (This is Part 1 of 2 so don't miss next week's episode where Haley and Ris will talk about some of the ways they have reframed the word "sacrifice" and the positive benefits they have found from them!) Then they wrap it all up with their Thorn and their Rose from this week's reading!
Follow along:
Watch on YouTube
Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Share this podcast with all your fantasy and fitness loving friends!

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Two overly caffeinated Personal Trainers, Haley & Ris, blend the worlds of Fantasy & Fiction diving into Chapters 21-15 of A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Mass.
*All episodes include spoilers.
*TW: Mental health is discussed.
Haley and Ris begin their chat with a pre-workout from Giorlas Coffee in Studio City. Then they move into their warm up to discuss all that we learned in Chapters 21-25. Finally we get into our Training where the Personal Trainers discuss the techniques they have used when building their endurance in both strength training and in cardio. They talk about the importance of breath and what has worked for them as well as offering different tips that can be used by everyone! Then they wrap it all up with their Thorn and their Rose from this week's reading!
Follow along:
Watch on YouTube
Instagram: @BrewsBooksBarbells
Don't forget to email us your Thorn and Rose from this week: brewsbooksbarbells@gmail.com
Share this podcast with all your fantasy and fitness loving friends!